Monday, February 20, 2012

More basketball and cheer....

It's been a crazy busy basketball season...there are a LOT of games once they hit high school. I took my camera to a few of the games and I have several pics of Logan and only a few of Madi because usually when she is cheering or dancing at half time I video instead of take pictures...

Madison and her cheer sister's Lacy & Chattin

Logan had this block and another one that was really awesome but of course I didn't get the picture of it. (Isn't that the way it goes?)

This was when Mr. Neal was presenting the big picture of the squad's state champ photo that they are going to hang in the lobby of the gym. (They didn't know that was going to happen...pretty sweeet!)

New Years Eve

I know I'm way behind...New Year's Eve this year we went to Michelles. We did carry on the Wii tournament and Lloyd won this year. Congrats Lloyd!! So he has the trophy for a year...:)

Lloyd w/his trophy...he was so excited!

Ethan was having more fun that it looks here..

Logan & Kasey during game time...

Randy wasn't feeling to good and didn't even stay til midnight...

Michelle was ready to get the party started...

Autumn and I...

Madi & Tay

Madi & Kasey

Charlie, Autumn & Madi