Monday, November 3, 2008

Ball game..Halloween & Eureka Springs....

We played Farmington this past Thursday night and we played their 8th grade boys. We didn't win but our boys did play one of their best games. Logan scored 2 touchdowns. This first picture was where he caught a pass and we got a first down but it wasn't the touchdown pass. It came later and he ran 72 yards for the touchdown. ;0)

This is the play where they ran the reverse and he ran 47 yards for the touchdown on this one....Goooo Blackhawks!!

Baleigh & Madison were sexy pirates for Halloween. (This is NOT the costume I would have picked out or let her get but I was not w/her and I did not buy it.)

Jaelin, Jericho, Matt & Baleigh (Jericho made an excellent nerd...he was hilarious!)

The boys were hanging out ...they had been playing football in the street but to many trick or treaters were out and there were to many cars so they decided to chill for a bit.
Charlie, Jarren, Logan, & Logan

On a whim we decided to run to Eureka Saturday afternoon. We did not realize it was going to be diversity weekend. I saw things I have only seen on T.V. I think the girls were in shock...we had a great time though, it was such a beautiful day. We got a few pictures of the girls. These are my favorite ones...
Jaelin, Madi & Bay

This is my fav...Jaelin is looking at Madi like she is nuts. It makes me giggle.