Monday, August 23, 2010

quick catch up....

I think most everybody knows I've had girl problems for years. So the next thing to do was a hysterectomy. I had it done last Tuesday the 17th. I am doing pretty good. Feeling better daily. Randy has been really great. Cooking, cleaning, running kids, working ...and he has been sick on top of that. I am very lucky to have him. :) I had to post pics of my pretty flowers I got while in the hospital...

These are from my good friend, Cheryl. She is always so very thoughtful. I just love her.

These were from mom, dad (Danny) & our family friend, Jean. He is such a sweet man and he told mom to make sure I knew they were from him too! I just sent him a thank you card so I'm hoping when he finds it in the mail it will brighten his day like he did mine. ;)

These were from Randy. We all know that he does not do the flower thing. He says it's to predictable. So when he does do flowers I am really surprised! Of course stargazer lilies are my fav..I love them. They are making my house smell wonderful.

These were from Mick. One of my dearest friends. She had a broke down car and still managed to swing by and bring me flowers. She is just thoughtful that way. I love you Mick!!

Thursday was the 1st day of school. Both my babies are in high school now. I know I always say where does the time go but I swear the older I get the faster it goes...Madison is loaded w/Pre-AP and AP classes this year but she pulled through and did awesome last year w/the workload so I have all the faith she is going to do great. I'm hoping Logan gets back into taking school seriously too..heaven help me to convince him of this. He is very into his sports and girls! I did manage to get a few pics before school. The good thing about just having surgery...Logan was being so sweet to me I got him to smile w/out having to beg. :)