Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pea Ridge vs. Elkins

Logan played hard tonight. So hard he ate 4 grilled cheeses when we got home. Man, the boy can eat!! I just took him pizza and cookies to eat on the bus on the way to the game. :) It's weird when we play Elkins. Every year as far back as I can remember we have traded wins w/them. We won last year so I guess it was their turn. I could not believe what bad sports they were though...hitting our boys from the back and horrible smack talking. I'm glad our boys are better than that. We lost 20-0 :( It's ok tho because we will get them next year!! Logan's 6th grade year we beat them 44-6 so I know we can take um....

I didn't get to many pictures because for some reason the later it got the more blurry they were...weird..

Logan practicing punting...

Logan & Will going for the coin toss

I just love this picture. Logan and Will have been friends for years. They spend a lot of time together and are really good buddies. It was nice that they did this together for the 1st game of the season.

Logan caught this one...

He caught this one too, but I snapped the picture to early.