Thursday, January 1, 2015

NYE 2015

Every new year we have game night on NYE and I wasn't even sure we would this year w/the kids being older I thought they might want to go out and do their own thing but they both said they were in for game night so yay us!! It was smaller than normal this year which was ok because there were a couple of games that only could do 6 players at a time. We went big and went for Steak and Shake for dinner. :) We went early so we could get home and play games before to many were out on the road. It was Randy and I, Madi and Charlie, Logan and Brandi, and then Austin. We came back to the house and fixed some snack foods and desserts and then the games begin. The final in the bowling came down to Randy and Logan, which happens every year! Then we played some dominos, headbandz, and then played some more wii games. Each game winner received a prize of a lottery ticket. Brandi was the only one that won and she ended w/$10! I was a little worried when Logan left to take Brandi home because I was afraid of drunks on the road but thankfully he made it home safe and sound.

Logan & Brandi at Steak and Shake

Everyone during game time....

Happy New Year!! I wish you all a new year filled w/God's love and grace.

Much love,